March 09, 2010

The things which are not thrown away
I want to throw away staff. There are a lot of staff at home. It is difficult to keep them at home.

Recently I found a old diary which was written by me. I was 8 years old, I wrote it. Maybe my mother kept it.
Every day I say to my younger son, "Learn Japanese Kanji. Write Kanji clearly ."
But I read my message. I think it was very poor. My younger son is better than my 8 years. My mother was might be disappointed it.


At 9:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be very fun to read your own diary.
I feel your mother was very satisfied with you!
I will keep my son's diary to read in feature.

by Haru

At 11:50 PM , Blogger Lucy said...

Thank you.
Today, we did housecleaning. I threw away some Hiro's stuff.

At 9:04 PM , Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Lucy, everyone learns at a different speed. Our children seem to learn about things much faster than we did as children. Maybe it is because of technology.
Mia knows how to use a computer better than I do. The children also learn Italian fater than I did.
So, you know, I think your Kanji would have been just right for you. Your son is good to learn to write it from you.
Marvellous that you have the diary still. I wish I had my one from when I was little. It had a lock and a key to it :)


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