August 30, 2006

Little, cute, a chef who has long hair
"May I help you? I want to cut something!!"
He wants to help his mother. But his mother gets annoyed every time. He is cutting a cucumber. But, if his favorite TV show starts, he gives up his work.

By the way, he has long hair now. Sometimes, people misunderstand and think that he is a girl.
His father likes his long hair. Because, his father wanted a daughter.

I heard from a American, when boys are young, they wear girl’s suits, so they become strong boys in the USA. Is this really? (I might hear same story in Japan too.)
Recently, my younger son said, “’I’m not a girl. I’m not cute. You should say I am cool!”
Anyway, I am annoyed his strong behavior.

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At 11:28 PM , Blogger Jay said...

That's funny. He doesn't like to be called cute. I've never heard of dressing boys in girls clothes to make them strong or anything like that.

At 4:52 AM , Blogger SzélsőFa said...

You might try making him cutting cucumber so as to make sure that he finishes it when his tv show begins. :))

At 7:41 AM , Blogger -LGirl- said...

No boys in girl's clothing here.
Mostly Jeans and tee-shirts.

At 8:40 PM , Blogger Lucy said...

My American friend said, his mother has 4 sons. She wanted a daughter. And she tried, tried, tried. But her forth kid is a boy. So she made her forth son wore skirt, and cachucha, when forth son was young. Now, he is real nice and strong guy.
Actually, I want a daughter. But I can’t take care one more boy!!!  

At 9:27 PM , Blogger The Dog of Freetown said...

It can be quite confusing to dress young boys as girls. It happened to Jean-Paul Sartre, and he ended up questioning the meaning of existence.


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