August 15, 2006

Yoshioka Undersea Station
We went to Yoshioka undersea station by trains which was Doraemon undersea trains.
You asked me " What's an undersea station? "

First, I have to explain about Japanese topography. Japan is islands country. And there are seas around islands.
Second, When we want to go from the Honshu region to the Hokkaido region, we have to be over Tsugaru strait. When it was in ancient time, people ferryed by ships which were sometimes wrecked in winter season. Of course , now we can take on safe ships, planes , trains..

Japanese map

Hokkaido region
Hokkaido railway company sight

I added a little bit something in English to "Seikan tunnel cross section"
Finally, you understand there is "Yoshioka under sea station" is under sea.

This is a Japanese sight, I quoted this picture.

Seikan tunnel was built under Tsugartu strange in 1988. This tunnel is for trains only. Japanese said Seikan tunnel was the longest tunnel in the world. But Kieran might not say same opnion.

old type Doraemon train and entrance of tunnel

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At 12:13 PM , Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Lucy,
This is what I like about the Japanese, they get thngs built. It makes sense to have such a tunnel, so just go and do it. I really wish Australia wasn't so backwards in it's engineering thinking sometimes.

At 5:25 PM , Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

That is so amazing and brilliant yet sensible, I agree with Rebecca, thankyou for sharing this with us Lucy, you are a great teacher to us :)

At 8:14 PM , Blogger SzélsőFa said...

Thanks for the information. I did not know it was the largest rail tunnel, but I'll google-search it.
You did a great job with those maps, too.

At 8:16 PM , Blogger SzélsőFa said...

Yup! Here we go!
"The world's longest railroad tunnel, for example, currently under way in Japan, is the 34-mile Seikan undersea rock tunnel between the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido; the 14.4-mile pilot tunnel, completed in 1983 after 19 years of work, was utilized as a proving ground for several new types of moles. "
I copied the above text from British Encyclopedia.

At 11:37 PM , Blogger Jay said...

WOW! That's really cool. That's a long railray tunnel.

Here in America that tunnel would never get built. Well, it might but it would take 10 years and cost billions of dollars. Becaue usually when they try to build something like that first the arilines and automobile companies try to stop it. Then when they decide to build it the gov't includes all kinds of "give aways" to companies and the cost goes up and up and up. It's all so corrupt here.

At 10:06 PM , Blogger Lucy said...

Thank you forthe comment on my blog. There are a lot of mountains in Japan.
So we need a lot of tunnels.
By the way, I understand “HooRoo” means. Thank you.

I Think Australia has a lot of beautiful nature.
I hope nature will have left by our children generation.

Szélső Fa,
Yes, Seikan tunnel is longest Undersea rock in the world. (But it is now.)
And Channel Tunnel is long too. Channel Tunnel is very famous of film Mission: Impossible. Tom Cruise was cool!!

Japan is same thing. People said Hokkaido shinkansen, who live in Hokkaido.
Cost is huge. And we have to pay.

Thank you for the comment on my blog too.
I want to visit your blog again. Your posts are encouraged at my feeling.
And I found ”My Mom's Blog”. I respect her.


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